Shame on Illinois Democrats
Yesterday, scandal-ridden Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich did what many feared he would do - he appointed someone , ( Roland Burris) to serve out Obama's US Senate term. The hue and cry is enormous - everyone on both sides of the aisle are condemning this appointment as illegitimate. There are threats by the state attorney general to refuse to certify the appointment and threats by the Democrats who control the US Senate to refuse to seat Burris. But it's far from guaranteed that they will be able to legally exercise that authority and the courts may overrule them and Burris will be seated anyway. And by deliberately picking an African American, Blagojevich has cynically put race into the equation as well. This environment is the last thing the new Obama administration needs as they come to Washington. But the Illinois state legislature had a chance to do the right thing, and the majority Democrats balked . They had the chance to strip the governor of the power to appoint...