Conversion in Israel
There’s been a lot of discussion lately of the unfortunate decision by the RCA to basically capitulate to the Israeli Chief Rabbinate on matters of conversion, as well as the even more controversial ruling to reverse conversions performed by the Israel Conversion Authority, headed by Rav Chaim Drukman. First of all, it is important to understand the motivations of the Chief Rabbinate, under charedi control. When the Chazon Ish ruled that it is appropriate to trust Jews who state their identity as such, there weren't large numbers of potential olim who came from mixed marriages where the mother converted under Reform auspices. There are now. These children are raised Jewish, but do not practice halacha. By traditional halachic standards, they are not Jewish. yet they come to Israel & claim to be. The Rabbanut, now under Charedi control, is desperate to keep it all straight and to identify Jews properly. I understand why they do it. But the ends do not justify the means a...