
Showing posts from May, 2009

The incredible shrinking God

This week, they found the missing link. The missing link has long been a major problem with the theory of evolution. Darwin himself acknowledged that fossil evidence of transitional forms between species had not been found, but assumed they would be, in time. However, while many have been found, many others have not. Biologists have proposed a number of solutions, one of the most promising being “ punctuated equilibrium ”, in which a species stays rather static for a long time and then undergoes rapid evolution in a relatively brief time in response to dramatic environmental changes. Religious fundamentalists have long pointed to these gaps as evidence that evolution is untrue. But science & Torah reconciliators (or their corresponding thinkers in other religions) have been more than happy to see God in the missing places. This is sometimes referred to as the “ God of the gaps ” concept. Where science can’t explain something, that is evidence for God. I’ve never been ha...

A very Charedi Lag Ba-Omer

I am firmly left-wing Modern Orthodox, with Conservative tendencies. And since I left NY a few years ago, I haven't really been to any Charedi events at all. But tonight I found myself in NY on business, staying in Brooklyn. And there was a big Lag Ba-Omer celebration going on outside on the next block, cordoned off by the police. So I decided to go. I think there's been enough time and distance that I didn't feel the need to mentally criticize the Charedi community for things I don't agree with at such a benign event. So I just decided to go in Anthropologist's mode and enjoy. And I did. I think I was the only kipa sruga in a sea of black. It was a little startling to me to hear them announce, in the middle of the singing and dancing: "We respectfully request that all women get onto the sidewalk so the men can continue dancing around the fire" Yes, it's not my style, and I have objections in principle to the marginalization of wo...

Star Trek movie review

OK, this review is full of spoilers. This was a great movie. Excitement, special effects, great dialogue, great characters, some good humor. Great, that is, if you’ve never heard of Star Trek before. But if you’re a long time fan, as I am, it’s hard to separate the Star Trek universe from the bright & shiny new movie. ALERT: MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD! Since I’m assuming that the only people reading past the spoiler alert are people who have already seen the movie, I’m not going to spend a lot of time explaining the setup. This is just my reaction to the movie we’ve both seen already. Casting: Supporting characters: excellent! Each of them brought a newness to the role, and didn’t copy the original actors, but still channeled the essence of the characters we’ve come to love. Special mention goes to Karl Urban as McCoy and Simon Pegg as Scotty. Both were pitch perfect in their roles from the moment of their first appearance onscreen. Anton Yelchin as Chekov was o...