
Showing posts from April, 2015

Vote Torah? Is that what Israel actually needs right now?

VOTE TORAH! There's only one more day to vote in the World Zionist Congress elections , and that's the message many of us have been bombarded with over the last couple of months, urging us to support the Orthodox party . But are Orthodox values in Israel in danger? Is Torah study and education at risk of disappearing? Is there some public impediment to Shabbat observance? Is it difficult to get kosher food there? If anything, Israel suffers from far too much religion in the public sphere. And it not only offends the secular public, but it harms religion as well. It adulterates the beauty and holiness of a religious lifestyle with ugliness and politics. Yes, I'm an Orthodox affiliated Shabbat observant Jew. And I care about the future of Israel and about the future of religion there. That's why I would never vote for a slate whose stated goal is to advance only one exclusivist vision of Judaism, in Israel and around the globe. A slate who would work to maintain ...