
Showing posts from 2018

What if your morality conflicts with the Torah?

In an attempt to revive my blog a little (as much as one can years way past the heyday of  the JBlogosphere) I'm digging up some of my old posts and will be reposting them on a semi-regular basis. This one is from June, 2009 In my discussions with Charedim, (and some Centrist Orthodox and even Modern Orthodox) both online & offline, we often come to an impasse when I realize that one of the basic assumptions they’ve made is that I, as a kipa wearing Jew, take all my cues for morality, ethics, and values from the Torah, and that there can be no other standard. Even if one accepts that premise, there are far reaching disagreements on what the Torah has to say when it comes to value judgments. But leaving that aside, in any case I reject the basic premise. I see no reason that the Torah should be the only arbiter of my moral being. I may be a Jew, but that’s not the only thing I am. I’m also a human being. When the Charedi I’m talking to realizes that I’m not on ...

This was cool in 1999

Still cool, I'd like to think...

Any good blogs still out there?

This blog (like many of the old Jblogs) has been mostly dormant for a while. All the good conversation has moved to Facebook. But the format at Facebook isn't as friendly for intellectual discussion as the blogs were in their heyday. Plus, Facebook is way too addictive, and the conversations, over religion and especially politics, get way too heated and angry. And there's way too much obsession over Trump everywhere. (Other than keeping up with the basic headlines, I want to think about that man as little as possible). I decided I needed a break from Facebook - a very extended one. Additionally, too much Facebook takes time away from being a father, which is my most important job in life right now. But I do need some good intelligent conversation online occasionally. If anyone's actually reading this, is there any corner of the Jblogosphere that's still alive? Any good blogs with lively comment sections? Anything like what we had back in the mid-00's?