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20 years ago

Chodesh Tov  "Tammuz , Sumerian  Dumuzi , in  Mesopotamian religion , god of  fertility  embodying the powers for new life in nature in the spring."

Why does Israel need coalitions?

Israel should reform its political system to eliminate the need for a coalition at all. Step 1) hold an election for the Knesset 2) have a set number of ministerial posts, far fewer than they have now (a lot of them were created just to get parties into a coalition) 3) the Knesset as a whole votes for who they would like to fill each ministerial position, including prime minister, using ranked choice voting or runoffs And there you have a functioning government in place. Individual Knesset members are free to vote however they want on any particular issue. Not perfect, but better than what they have now.

Is Donald Trump the worst president ever?

I've seen that assertion quite a bit lately. No question, Donald Trump is a despicable human being and was a horrible president. But worst president ever? Here are some worse ones: That list includes George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. No matter their accomplishments, no matter their leadership, THEY OWNED SLAVES! They kept other human beings as personal property! They treated black human beings like we treat cattle today. Yes, I know times were different. I know it was accepted then. That's not an excuse. There were already American abolitionists in colonial times. Donald Trump is many terrible things, including a racist. But he's never owned slaves. A little historical perspective, please.