
Showing posts from November, 2022

Prediction / aspiration from 2008

I've been looking through some of the saved drafts of posts imported from my old blog that I never published here, or never finished writing, so never published at all. Here's one from 2008: Title: I want to raise kids far away from NY Even Modern Orthodox institutions in the NY area have elements like this: Racial Comments ‘Shock’ Principals Do I really want my kids hearing this racism from their classmates? In "out of town" schools, this is far less common. Fast-forward 14 years, I am raising my kids "out of town" and the Modern Orthodox community here is by-and-large free of racism :-)

Today's headlines

Translation of every front page newspaper headline in America today: "We still don't know anything because no votes have been counted, but here's yet another bunch of inane articles about the election to keep you reading and cover the fact that there won't be any real news till tomorrow"